About TechieMaish

TechieMaish.com is a blog by Bilal Ahmed who has passion to redefine the way information is presented to the Search Users. It is ensured to the best of the abilities that the information/posts shared here are the most up to date and accurate, so that readers can benefit from it.

Bilal Ahmed has started his online journey in 2008 while pursuing degree in MBA from the Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar.

Now happily married and the father of 3 Sons is enjoying writing and blogging on the topics like “How To”, “Top Best” and “Reviews”.

If you want to connect with Bilal Ahmed, feel free to use the below mediums.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/techmaish/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/techmaish

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/techmaish

Email: admin @ techiemaish dot com